Bringing innovation to local expertise, delivering first class services locally, maximizing international strategic services and innovation to local environment for ultimate benefits of all stakeholders, including local communities.

Local Content development is created in the Senegalese economy by a systematic development of capacity and capabilities of in-country resources in the industry.

Our local expertise, set up, knowledge and technology transfer plan is aimed at increasing local personnel ratio in each project through on-the-job training, experience and certification therefore, making them available for other major projects.

Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) is part of our vision,

Maximizing number of initiatives to maintain our strong relationships and position ourselves for impactful growth, some of these initiatives include but are not limited to:

  • supporting and sustaining the communities in which we work.
  • supporting non-profit organizations who seek to deliver impactful results.

We see ourselves as stakeholders for a sustainable future. Our efforts are positioned to motivate employees and partners in supporting community growth and development, while minimizing environmental risks.

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Integrity, Innovation, Learning, Quality, Sustainability